Mansi Desai | Designs for Living

Precaution is better than Cure

Firstly, a big round of applause to you for being so patient and supportive in these uncertain times. Following the right rules will help us face this situation. Until now, we have never got the opportunity to really enjoy or admire our homes. So why not take advantage of the lockdown to know your house better and make some changes? In this blog, I’m sharing tips that can make your homes more safe and comfortable in this pandemic.

Leaving the house has never been more stressful than now, and it is advisable to stay at home unless to buy necessities. Thereby, what precautions can you take while outside and when returning home?

It should be an unforgettable rule to carry a sanitiser with you every time you leave your house. When outside, remember to sanitise your hands every time you touch a foreign object and when you return to the house, sanitise your door handle/ knob.

I recommend having hooks, key holders or racks near your entrance. The reason being that when you come back, you can hang your belongings near the entrance. While hung, disinfect these belongings to avoid the spread of germs into your house. Placing these holders near the entrance will ensure that no object brings in the pandemic germs in the house and will rid you of any worries about germs entering.


‘Go green’ should not be limited to your food but should extend to various areas of your life, for instance, your house. Grow as many as plants as possible in your house. They will give serenity for your eyes, fresh air for you to breathe and beautification of your house.

Don’t limit to decorative plants only, you can also have vegetable garden. Let me tell you a small trick to grow vegetable garden at your home: Whatever vegetables you are getting for your self from that you can remove their seeds, dry them properly and plant them.

For your convenience I’m sharing a link below for how to grow kitchen garden at your home.


Every individual requires a change of surrounding. Everyone wants to see or explore something new, so how could we stay in our houses without avoiding the monotony of the place? The key to this boredom is to make changes to your home.

I don’t mean major changes, but small scale manageable can also have a significant impact to breaking this monotony. This could be anything from changing the placement of your furniture to moving to finally getting out and placing the vase you got as a gift. Try changing your curtains and pillow cover more regularly to help achieve a cleaner environment.

Lastly, with the surety of no guests coming anytime soon, try mismatching things around the house and explore new possibilities for your home arrangements. With no one to judge, your house can be your canvas. Don’t fear to explore.


While coronavirus has temporally shut our main doors, it has open new doors. That is connecting with our family and making memorable moments that otherwise is not possible in our everyday work schedule.

Take this time to reconnect and strengthen your bond with your family. Start new shows together, regularly watch movies together, play indoor games together and also do home chores together. Bonding activities that could also improve your house is colouring the house. With your family you can start with selecting a room and colouring it or simply select a “colour of the week” and make your pillows, curtains, bedsheets etc. of that colour for the entire week.

If time and resources permit, make some small home renovation projects. Remember to take suggestions from your family and make them a part of the decision process. This will give your house a new look and will help you bond. And be creative!


You are restricted in the house, but don’t do the same to the sun’s rays. Let the sun rays in. Keep your windows open to let the house be properly ventilated, instead of keeping them shut for the air condition.

Many studies have advised the avoidance of the air condition as much as possible during this pandemic. Even the government guidelines uggest keeping your air condition’s temperature above 25 degree Celsius. So why keep them switched on anyways if you ave to keep them at such high temperature?

Your best bet is to turn to nature, let the sun rays and wind come in by keeping the windows open.