Mansi Desai | Designs for Living

Be Monsoon Ready : Part 2

Welcome back to my second instalment of ‘preparing for monsoon’. If you still haven’t, check out my previous blog for some insightful tips of making your home monsoon ready. In this blog, we will see more ways of making your home monsoon ready and beautify for the season.


Colour your home for the season

Every season has its own character, making them beautiful and enjoyable in different ways. Monsoon brings out the beauty of nature, but at the same time, could be gloomy and dull. To rock things up, choose to colour your home with the following colours. But before starting, I must tell you that it is important to understand and organise the various colour shades in your home. Make sure all the different hues compliment each other.



One of my most prefered colour for any project I have undertaken is turquoise. Admired by royalty, this colour is soothing to the eyes and fills your home with warmth. If it is not possible to paint, don’t worry, as you can bring in this colour in the form of accessories, curtains, cushions, bed throws or any other decorating items. This colour is truly a gateway to luxury.



Monsoon brings out nature’s beauty by spreading greenery everywhere. Green might be a soothing and refreshing colour, but it will not give you a feeling of warmth. I advise this colour specifically to nature lovers or people who are tired of looking at the concrete jungle outdoors.



These two are truly unique colours that can help create the much-needed warmth in your house as well as help create a lively ambience. These colours can be used in different parts of your home and in various forms. These colours go exceptionally well in the living room, dining or kitchen area.



In my previous blog, I have written about how you can protect your wooden furniture in this season. In this blog, I will talk about warn off or broken furniture. I will also be writing about non-wooden furniture. Your weathered and broken furniture can be reusable with just a few alternations and without the help of professionals. My advice, don’t limit your alterations to mundane plans and think outside the box. For example, if a chair’s back is broken, remove it entirely and make use of the base as a side table or a puffy. Paint it with a different colour or place a glass on top and voila! Your new side table is ready. Before discarding any of your old furniture; remove all the knobs, handles and hinges of them. These can be reused on other items of furniture. For instance, old knobs can be fixed on a wooden plank to make a brand-new and modern hook stand. To give a new look to your old metal furniture, scrap down its colour thoroughly and repaint it in a different colour to give it a completely different look.



Leather furniture looks elegant and royal but requires a high level of care in return; especially in the monsoon. This season carries a lot of moisture and mildew, which tends to build up on leather surfaces. If any leather surface gets too wet, dry it slowly and gently. Settled mildew on leather surfaces should be removed with germicide containing soaps and water; wipe the excess soap on the surfaces with a clean cloth and let it dry. To create an elegant shine on leather, take one part white vinegar and two parts linseed oil (available in any hardware or art shop) and mix it well in a jar. Shake the solution and apply it on the leather with a soft cloth and bu ff after 12 hours. The only drawback of this activity is that you might get tired of explaining to guest how you keep your leather furniture so stunning.



Before monsoon comes knocking on your door, you must check your kitchen and home appliances; your television, refrigerator, air-conditioner etc. Monsoon is an unpredictable season, from time to time, it shows us a very fearsome side, so power cuts and fluctuations are a familiar sight. These electricity fluctuations can be dangerous and detrimental. Hence, keep an eye out for any loose ends of any electrical wires, any dampness on walls near appliances or gadgets. Moreover, check all your electrical supplies, switches and sockets. I strongly suggest getting a professional to look after the aforementioned items. Keep all your personal gadget moisture-free and use all electrical products at least once or twice a week to avoid the formation of fungus and/ or moisture. During a thunderstorm, avoid using the appliance and unplug them from the sockets.



It’s time for the plant lovers to rearrange their plants. This season is bliss for certain plants and misery for the others. Hence, it is vital to move the relevant plants indoors. So before the season begins, segregate your plants into ones that can stay outdoors and ones those need to be indoors in this season. Regardless of the plant, keep the young ones indoors as they might not withstand the heavy pouring.